How to hack someone’s Facebook account: Hacking Facebook password

How to hack someone’s Facebook account: Hacking Facebook password

How to hack someones Facebook accountWe discussed about Facebook hacking software – Facebook Freezer in my earlier article How to hack someones Facebook account. But, Facebook Freezer does not help you in hacking someone’s Facebook password. It only freezes Facebook account of the victim. Since, Facebook freezer does not give you Facebook password, you are not able to hack Facebook account. So, I am posting this article on how to hack someones Facebook account password.

Note: I had posted this article before. But, due to some problems, the post was lost from the database and hence, I am posting this article again. Sorry for any sort of inconvenience.

Hack someones Facebook password:

If you want to hack someone’s Facebook account password, you need to use Facebook Phishing. While hacking Facebook password using Phishing, we have to create a fake Facebook login page (ie phisher) which looks exactly same as the original Facebook login page. When the victim tries to log in to his Facebook account using our fake login page, we are able to get this Facebook user id and password. So, how to do this Facebook Phishing??? Proceed to the next section.

How to hack someone’s Facebook account:

1. Free Download Facebook fake login page ie Facebook Phisher to hack someones Facebook account password

2. Now, when you have the Facebook Phisher, simply register for an account at Login to your account, go to File Manager and upload this Facebook Phisher created in Step 1. HowtohackFacebook
3. After uploading, copy the link address of index.htm.
4. Send this “index.htm” link to your victim and make him login to his Facebook account using our sent phisher. You can mail him like:
Dear Facebook User,
We recently noticed that your Facebook account is being accessed by a third-party. We think that this is unauthorized access – an attempt to hack your account. So, we need you to confirm the ownership of your Facebook account. Please login to your Facebook account from the link below:
Put your phisher link here.
This is just an example mail. You can use your creativity to make the mail seem genuine. Once the victim logs in to his Facebook account using our Phisher, his user id and password will be saved in passes.txt file created at your file manager of
Hack someones Facebook
Simply open passes.txt by clicking on it and you will be able to hack Facebook account of the victim. You are now able to see his hacked Facebook password like this:
How to hack someones facebook
Thus, we have implemented the way of hacking Facebook password. You can easily hack someone’s Facebook password now.
Update: The simplest way to hack a Facebook account password is to use the best Facebook hacking software – Winspy Keylogger which is FUD (Fully Undetectable). It is personally recommended from Techotoys.
You can check out other methods to hack a Facebook account.
So friends, I hope now you have this method to hack someones Facebook account. Now, you can stop searching for Facebook hacking tricks on Google. If you have any problem in this tutorial on how to hack someones Facebook account password, please mention it in comments.
Enjoy hacking Facebook password…